About Us
- The purpose of the Institute is to promote excellence in the practice of professional administration and management consultancy by examining, chartering, and regulating its members. The Institute is a body corporate with perpetual succession capable of suing and being sued in its own name and of performing such acts as are necessary for and incidental to the achievement of its objects, the exercise of its powers and the performance of its functions and duties under this Constitution or under any statute of the Republic of Ghana. The vision of CIAMC is to be a leading institution in Africa, promoting and ensuring professionalism in the practice of administration and management consultancy through life-long learning.
CIAMC Core Values:-
- Elevating the Professional Status of Administration and Management Consulting in Work and Organizational Systems Development
- Quality: Reaching an objective understanding of customer requirements and using all our resources to satisfy those requirements
- Professionalism: A professional workplace attitude, performance, and appearance that allow employees to take pride in their work and improve work performance.
- Human Capital Development: Ensuring respect for employees as individuals and providing opportunities for their personal development and advancement. Respecting the dignity and recognizing the merit of all employees. Providing equal opportunity for employment, development, and advancement for those qualified.
- Passion for Excellence: Acting ethically and continually striving for excellence in our performance and those of our members.
- Social Responsibility: Our first responsibility is to the trainee administrators and consultants, our employees, employers, and all others who engage our professionals and use our services. We are also responsible to the communities, in which we live and work, and to the world community as well. In meeting their needs, everything we do must be of high quality unquestionable.
The Institute since its establishment has worked towards the achievement of the following objectives among others:
- To achieve total national and international recognition for its research and promotion of the modern practice of professional administration and related allied institutions;
- To co-operate with Government Higher institutions, professional and examining institutions worldwide in developing a coherent system of advanced education and research in professional administration and related disciplines;
- To conduct examination and other tests to assess skills and knowledge of persons seeking to become members of the institute; to issue degrees and professional licenses to such persons after passing the prescribed academic and professional examinations and to provide for the use of designatory letters by a person granted membership of the institute at various levels;
- To publish journals, books, and other educational materials, establish libraries, provide advisory services and set up machineries and institutions for the training of persons seeking to become members of the institute and to promote national and international collaborative programmes worldwide.
- The Institute was established and licensed in Ghana, as a Prestigious, Examining, Licensing and Regulatory Professional Body, incorporated under the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179) as a Company limited by guarantee, on the 11th of May 2001. After meeting the statutory requirements, on 20th January 2004, the Institute was duly registered as a Professional Body in accordance with the provisions of the Professional Bodies Registration Decree, 1973 (NRCD 143). And on the 19th of April 2004, to reflect the mission and wider aspirations of the institute, the name of the institute was changed by Special Resolution and with the approval of the Registrar of Professional Bodies to the Chartered Institute of Administrators and Management Consultants-Ghana (CIAMC).
- The organization structure combines the organizational functions of Governance and Administration. Governance involves policy formulation while administration involves the implementation of Policy.
- The governing body called the Board of Trustees is the highest policy-making organ of the Institute subject to the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Trustees shall be composed of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Financial Secretary, Chairpersons of the permanent/standing committees of the Board, three other members, and the immediate-past Board Chairman (as an ex-officio member who serves only one term after leaving Office).
- The Chief Executive Officer shall be the Secretary to the Board. The Deputy CEO or a Senior Management staff shall perform the functions of Recorder in a support role to the Chief Executive Officer. The recorder shall have no voting rights at meetings.
- The quorum at any meeting of the Board shall be two-third of the members, including the Chairman or Vice-Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer or his deputy.
The Board of Trustees of the Institute shall have the following five permanent standing Committees:
- Education and Professional Examinations Committee (EPEC);
- Membership and Continuing Professional Development Committee (MCPDC);
- Finance and Projects Committee (FPC);
- Corporate Communications Committee (CCC), and
- Professional Conduct and Ethics Committee (PCEC)
CIAMC is governed by its Board of trustees, which ensures that:
- The Institute acts in the best interests of beneficiaries; Make sure money is spent on the purpose intended; Operate within an organizational structure which sets out purpose and rules; and Avoids conflicts of interest.